Picket Fences! Part 52
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Picket Fences! Part 52

At the end of Part 50 Julie and Nathan left in a taxi to find their own place.

The taxi took them to the house Julie's grandparents gave her when they moved to Florida.

When they got out of the taxi and hurried into the house.

Nathan carried Julie over the threshold.

He gave her a romantic kiss.

"I'm going to take a bath and change into something more confortable", she said.

"Alright Mrs. Martin. I'll wait for you in the bedroom", he said.

Nathan relaxed on the bed and waited for Julie to join him.

"I think our wedding was beautiful", said Julie.

"Yes, I think it was too", he said.

"And you were the most beautiful bride I've ever seen", he said.

"I felt like a princess marrying my handsome prince", she said.

Nathan gave her a romantic kiss.

They madeout.

Are you ready to do woo hoo with your prince?", he asked.

And Julie said "YES!"

"I love you Nathan", she said.

"I love you too", he said.

At Rhys' place . . .

Ryan came into the livingroom and said "Dad, I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure, sit down", said Rhys.

"Jennifer's pregnant and I don't know what to do", said Ryan.

"Is the baby yours?", asked Rhys.

"Yeah, it's mine. She ain't done woo hoo with nobody but me", he said.

"You could marry her or if you don't want to do that, I've got another idea", said Rhys.

"I don't want to marry nobody", said Ryan.

"Well, ask her to come over so we can discuss my other idea", said Rhys.

Ryan called Jennifer and invited her over. She said she would be glad to come.

She arrived a few minutes later.

Ryan greeted her with a hug.

"My dad wants to talk to you", he said.

"Ryan told me you were going to have his baby", said Rhys.

"Come sit down, so we can discuss it", said Rhys.

As soon as Jennifer sit down Rhys asked "Do you want to keep the baby and raise it yourself?"

"Yes, I do. I already have a job, so I think I'll be able to manage", she said.

"Well, since it's my son's baby and he ain't gonna mary you. I'll provide you a small house and give you an allowance each month for the baby", said Rhys.

"I wouldn't feel right taking your money", she said.

"Nonsense, that baby is my grandchild. The money will help you with the extra expenses", said Rhys.

"Alright, I don't want to deprive my baby of anything. I'll agree with what you suggested. Does that sound alright to you Ryan?", she asked.

"Yeah, sounds good to me", said Ryan.

"There's a nice little house over on Crumbletop Lane that's available. I'll see to getting it ready for you to move in as soon as possible", said Rhys.

"Thank you Rhys", said Jennifer, "I guess I better be going on home now."

Ryan kissed her goodbye.

And Jennifer left to go home.

At Jonathan's place the following day . . .

It was time for Jonathan's oldest son to grow up into an adult.

Nathan came to his cake and blew out the candles while everyone cheered.

He started growing up . . .

And became an adult.

It started getting late, so the invited guests . . .

eft to go home.

The following morning the schoolbus and the carpool stopped in front of the house.

The twins got on the bus to go to school.

The carpool was for Nathan. He started his first day on the job as a Service Station Attendant.

To be continued . . .

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