Picket Fences! Part 92.1
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Picket Fences! Part 92.1

Over at Rhys Sawyer's place . . .

Rhys answered the telephone . . .


"Daddy, I'll be over in a few minutes. There's something I need to tell you", said Ryan.

"Sure, come on over", said Rhys.

A few minutes later Ryan arrived.

"Hey Daddy", he said.

"Let's go into the kitchen and talk while we have coffee", said Rhys.

"So what do you want to tell me?", said Rhys.

"Daddy, I cheated on Carrie with Sarah Adams and we got a son. I love Sarah and want to live with her and our son Reid", said Ryan.

"Does Carrie know?", asked Ryan.

"No, I ain't told her. She thinks everything is alright", he said.

"Well you got to tell her", said Rhys.

"Yeah, I know. I'll tell her after the twins' birthday Saturday", he said.

"Daddy, will you and Claudia come with me tomorrow ro meet Sarah and Reid? It's his birthday", said Ryan.

"I'll ask Claudia if she want's to come with me", said Rhys.

"I'll see you tomorrow", said Ryan, "Bye Daddy."

Then Ryan left to go home.

That night Rhys and Claudia were relaxing on their bed . . .

"Ryan came over this afternoon. He wants me and you to meet his girlfriend", said Rhys.

"His girlfriend!", she asked surprised.

"Yeah, they got a son together and tomorrow is his birthday", said Rhys.

"If you want to meet your grandson, I guess we better go to his birthday party and meet his mama", said Claudia.

"Are you sorry you ever got messed up with me and my crazy family?", he asked.

"No, I don't regret a minute of it", she said.

Rhys gave her a romantic kiss.

"You want to do woo hoo?", he asked.

Claudia said YES!


"I love you Rhys."

"I love you more, Beautiful."

To be continued . . .

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