Picket Fences! Part 26.2
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Picket Fences! Part 26.2

"Hi Mom", said Kevin as they walked in the door.

"Jake said I look like a boy now", said Kevin.

"Well, having longer hair didn't make you look like a girl. Now go show Arlene your new haircut", said Joy.

"I need to talk to you in the kitchen", she told Larry.

"Why did you let Jake cut Kevin's hair so short? ", asked Joy.

"He needed a regular haircut. I was tired of seeing him look like a girl", said Larry.

"Larry, I'm not stupid! You and I both know the real reason you did it", she said.

"And what's that?", asked Larry.

"You can't stand that he looks more like Rhys with his hair long!", she said.

"That's not true and I refuse to discuss it", said Larry.

Meanwhile over at Buford Falls Hospital . . .

Mary Lou and Peter have arrived at the emergency room right after Mary Lou started having labor pains. Dr. Brian had advised Joy to have her baby at the hospital, considering she was an older mother-to-be.

The doctor came into the room and felt Mary Lou's belly.

"It's good you got here when you did. It's almost time for your baby to be born", he told them.

Peter gave her a tender kiss . . .

Then he went to the waiting room to wait.

Dr, Brian came back into the emergency room and checked Mary Lou's progress.

Before too much longer, he delivered her baby.

"It's a girl!", he announced.

Mary Lou and Peter named their daughter Carrie. The baby has brown hair, brown eyes and Mary Lou's skintone.

The doctor handed the baby to the nurse.

Nurse Jane immediately took Carrie to the nursery and placed her in a crib.

The doctor went down the hal to the waiting room to tell Larry he had another daughter.

"How's my wife?", he asked.

"Mother and baby are doing fine. You can go down to the nursery and see your daughter while we move Mary Lou to her room", said Dr. Brian.

Larry went down to the nursery window to see his daughter, but wasn't allowed to hold her. That was against hospital rules in the late 1940's and early 1950's.

Larry went down the hall to Mary Lou's room.

"Did you see the baby?", asked Mary Lou.

"Yeah, she's beautiful", he said.

"When you get home, call my mother and Joy and tell them ", said Mary Lou.

"Alright sweetheart, I will", he said.

After Larry left, Carrie was brought to Mary Lou's room for a short visit with her mother.

To be continued . . .

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