Chapter 5, Part 2
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As soon as the couple was gone, Ophelia muttered, “You just don’t know how much that man ticks me off!”

Ms. Gibson hesitated for a second, and then hurried after the couple, leaving the students alone. Angela stood up and leaned againt a chalkboard, chewing her lower lip.

Tiffani eyed Ophelia pensively for several seconds, gnawing at the inside of her mouth. After several seconds of uncharacteristic silent contemplation, she finally asked the question that everyone wanted the answer to: “Ophelia, why does Charise dislike her mom so much?”

Ophelia shot back, in a rather sharp and angry way, “What does it matter to you? Besides, what makes you think I would know that?”

Tiffani sighed. “Ophelia,” she said, “let go of your anti-popularity rage for a few minutes. Charise obviously has some problems, and it would be nice to know what they are.”

Ophelia replied, “Or maybe you’re just being nosy.”

“You’re her cousin, Ophelia,” Emily said softly. “If anyone would know, it’s you.”

“What did her mom do to make Charise so angry?” AJ asked. “Did she disown Charise?”

“No,” Ophelia answered.

“Big fight?” Tiffani guessed.


“Unwanted child?” Emily suggested.

“Bingo,” Ophelia answered.

Everyone was silent for several seconds.

“So, tell us why Charise hates her mom,” Tiffani cried out.

Ophelia groaned. “Fine. Here’s why Charise doesn’t like her mom..."

"Charise was an unplanned pregnancy that forced her parents to get married at a young age. Charise’s mom did not want to have her, but Charise’s dad, my uncle, convinced her to keep the baby."

"After Charise was born, Uncle Preston ended up being the sole caregiver. Charise’s mom wanted nothing to do with her. She didn’t want to hold the baby or even name her. Uncle Preston ended up naming Charise."

"Well, when Charise was really young, her mom had an affair. Uncle Preston found out and they divorced. Her mom, still wanting nothing to do with Charise, gave Uncle Preston full custody. Uncle Preston’s mom, our grandma, moved in to help take care of Charise."

"Her mom occasionally gets in touch with her, mostly to see if Charise is still alive, but for the most part, she shows no interest in Charise's life. Well, except to criticize her...”

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