Chapter 17, Part 1
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Ms. Gibson frowned and tossed the newspaper into the trashcan, frustrated. For the past week or so, the bulk of the local news was devoted to the Delorice and Marlow families, primarily Charise’s supposed marriage to S-- whether or not it happened, when it could have happened, why it happened, and other such rubbish.

“No wonder people say we Americans are stupid,” she grumbled to herself. “We consider this mindless rubbish to be news.”

“What was that?” her grandmother asked, entering the kitchen.

“More about Charise and S.”

“People can be so stupid. They focus on these petty things and ignore the biggest issues,” her grandmother remarked. “I know those two didn’t marry, but even if they did, whose business is it? People have no privacy anymore!”


“Christ, I wish the freaking reporters would stop calling,” Sheridon complained. “I’m not blaming you and S one bit, you know, but I’m ticked that the media won’t leave well enough alone.”

Charise murmured her response as she peered into a mirror. “Yeah, I guess,” she said slowly. “How noticeable are the bags under my eyes?”

“Not one bit,” Gideon replied reassuringly, giving Charise a brief hug. “This craziness has been hard on all of us. Don’t you think S has it rough right now? His sister turned out to actually be your sister, and she had to be put in an asylum because the news was too much for her.”

“You’re right,” Charise agreed, turning from the mirrors. “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen S today. Where is he?”

Sheridon and Gideon exchanged look and shifted awkwardly. “He spent the night at Tacita’s place,” Gideon finally answered. “He said he needed to get away from the ringing phones and knocks on the door for a night or so.”

“With… Tacita?” Charise muttered, more to herself than to either of her friends. “But why? Why her?”


“Thanks for letting me stay over,” S said, slicing into a pancake.

“It’s nothing,” Tacita replied. “If I dealt with everything you had to, I’d want a break too.” She took a bite of her pancake. “You’re a really good cook, by the way. These are good pancakes.”

“Well, it’s the least I could do. I’d worry that I was a freeloader if I didn’t at least cook for you once in a while,” S explained.

“You shouldn’t worry about that,” Tacita said with a shrug. “You know you’re welcome here anytime.”

“Well, I just would like to repay you in some sort of way,” S replied. “I mean, for the past week, I’ve been more or less hiding out here in my free time, so I can take naps and relax before returning to the insanity. There has to be something I could do.”

Tacita grinned. “Well, if you really want to thank me, you could always take me on a date, you know.”

“What?” S asked, startled.

“Well, I’m single now, and you’re single. There’s nothing stopping us, right? Besides, it’ll be fun. A chance to relax,” Tacita explained. “But if money’s an issue--”

“It’s not,” S interrupted.

“Well, then, why not?”

It’s my chance to move on, S thought. I should take it and stop obsessing over Charise.

S smiled and said, “Fine, then. Where would you like to go?”


“I’m going to go postal!” Julianna cried out.

“Calm down, Ms. Delorice,” Marianne said, gently forcing her employer to sit down. “This stress is bad for you.”

“Isn’t there anything I can do?” Julianna asked.

Mr. Gaines sighed. “If you’ll recall, Ms. Delorice, I told you there would be consequences for your actions.”

“Yeah, but the pictures!” Julianna gasped out. “How the hell did they get the pictures? Was someone going through my trash or something?”

“It is entirely possible, Madam,” Mr. Gains said slowly. “But who? And how?”

“Maybe an inside job,” Julianna mused. “One of my servants, maybe?”

“That’s very unlikely, Ms. Delorice,” Marianne remarked. “We’re all very fond of you and would never wish you to be unhappy.”


“Cassandra,” Valo said softly, “how have things been?”

Cassandra stared silently at Valo, tears slowly running down her face.

“Cassie, Jess was worried about you after she heard what happened,” Grant said, watching the young women.

Cassandra nodded in response and embraced Valo tightly. Valo’s eyes widened with astonishment, and Grant smiled slightly.

“Jessie,” Cassandra said hoarsely, “tell S…”

“What do you want me to tell him?” Valo asked.

“Tell him… I’m sorry.”

“Why? What did you do?” Grant asked.

Cassandra smiled and shook her head, her black curls flying about. Valo frowned, concerned. Why would she need to apologize for anything? Valo wondered. What’s not being said? What is Cassandra thinking?

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