Chapter 17, Part 2
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S sauntered down the hall to his bedroom, whistling to himself.

Things might be looking up after all, he thought. Maybe I really will get over Charise! Plus, a date with Tacita-- awesome! We’re already friends, so there won’t be any of that weird awkwardness that I always hear about on first dates.

Charise opened her bedroom door and peered out at him. “What’s got you so happy?” she asked.

S flushed slightly. “Well, I…” he started, not knowing how to respond.

“I heard you stayed over at Tacita’s house,” Charise remarked bitterly. “So, tell me, how was she?”

“What?” S asked, confused.

“In bed. How was she? I never thought you’d stoop to that level! She’s, like, one step above trailer trash, practically!” Charise cried out, uncertain about why she felt so infuriated at the thought of S and Tacita together, but still choosing to act on that rage.

“That’s a nice way to talk about your friends,” S shot back. “Makes me wonder if maybe you talk about me that way when I’m not around!”

“No, I--” Charise cried out.

“You really are petty sometimes, Charise,” he snapped. “No wonder you’re dating that a**hole Dunstan. You two are a perfect match!”

With that, he stormed to his bedroom and slammed the door.

Charise shrieked, “Fine, be that way! You’ll be sorry!” She slammed her bedroom door and then slid down to the floor, sobbing.

Petty? she thought. Am I? Really? And why am I so damn jealous of Tacita? She raised her head slowly. Maybe Valo or Cy will be able to help me. They’re smart.

Downstairs, Sheridon and Gideon exchanged concerned looks. “Sounds like all is not well up there,” Gideon remarked.

“I’m glad we don’t fight like that,” Sheridon murmured.

“We have. Remember the time everyone thought we’d kill each other, we were so ticked at each other?”

“Oh yeah,” Sheridon said slowly, remembering. “What was that fight about?”

Gideon thought for several seconds, then replied, “I think it was about the chronology of the Zelda games. You know, which happened first and all that junk.”

Sheridon snickered and remarked, “Proof we’re nerds, right there. We have knockdown, drag-out fights about video games and polite disagreements about bills and paying tuition.”

Gideon chuckled. “So, do you think maybe we should get involved in the squabble?” he asked.

“Well, given that we have to live with those two, it might be smart to at least get them back on speaking terms with each other.”

“Good idea,” Gideon replied. “I’ll work on Charise. She’s more likely to listen to me.”

“Because you’re prettier than I am,” Sheridon teased.

“Watch it,” Gideon joked, “or we’ll have another squabble on our hands.”


“Okay, what’s the problem?” Sheridon asked. S bowed his head, ashamed that Sheridon and Gideon had apparently heard the argument.

“It’s nothing,” S said quickly.

“When you start calling Charise named, saying she’s petty, it’s something. What happened?”

“Tacita… you know how I stayed over at her place? Well, we’re going to go on a date in a few days,” S began. “And I was heading to my room, happy about being able to go on a date and maybe being able to get over Charise. And then Charise stuck her head out her door and made some rude comments about Tacita-- no idea how she knew where I’d been-- and I got annoyed.”

“Don’t let it get you down,” Sheridon said reassuringly. “I’m sure that whatever’s bothering Charise, Gideon will find out.”


“So, let me get this straight,” Gideon said. “You were yelling at S because he was with Tacita.”

“Yeah,” Charise replied.

“And you have no idea why you’re jealous of Tacita?”

“No idea at all.”

Gideon laughed loudly. “You’re kidding, right?” he asked.

“No,” Charise replied, upset by his laughter. “Why? What’s so funny?”

Gideon struggled to control his laughter. “Charise, you really have no idea, do you?”

“Why? Is it serious?”

“Terribly,” Gideon giggled. “Charise, I think you’re harboring feelings for S!”

“No, I’m not!” Charise exclaimed quickly.

“Honey, think about it. The idea of Tacita being with S utterly enrages you, even though she’s a friend of yours.”


“So, you like S, and not just as a friend.”

Charise opened her mouth to argue, then stopped herself.

I… I do, she thought. I’ve always sort of taken S’s presence for granted. And now that I might lose him to Tacita, I…

Gideon smiled and patted Charise’s hand. “Go for it. He’s a good guy,” he said. Better than the jerk you’re dating, he mentally added.


“So, how did it go?” Sheridon asked.

“She likes S. I mean, really likes him,” Gideon replied, flopping onto the sofa. “That’s the Cliff’s Notes version, anyway.”

“What did you tell her to do?”

“To go for it.”

“Damn, we screwed up, then,” Sheridon gasped. “I told S to go ahead with Tacita.”

Gideon slapped his own forehead, frustrated. “This is why I tend to avoid giving advice,” he sighed.

“Time to initiate Plan B?” Sheridon asked.

“What’s Plan B?”

“I’m not sure yet, but I guess we’ll think of it eventually.”

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