“Are you sure you want to do this?” Dunstan asked. Charise nodded fearfully, trying to relax. She tried to tell herself to calm down, that this was nothing. It was part of growing up. It was bound to happen eventually, right? She’d just never thought it would be this soon. She took a deep breath.
“How short would you like it, Miss?” the hairdresser asked.
“About shoulder-length,” Charise replied.
“Are you sure, Miss?” the hairdresser asked. “Once I cut it all off, that’s it.”
“I know,” Charise responded. “Do it, before I change my mind.”
“As you wish, Miss,” the hairdresser said, lifting the haircutting shears.
Charise closed her eyes, not wanting to watch.
She was sixteen now, and only a few weeks before, Dunstan had accompanied her to her high school’s winter formal. He’d gotten a haircut a few weeks before (“Because I have to look a little more mature and professional,” he’d explained), but despite the new hairstyle, he still looked great in his tuxedo. Ophelia had gone to the formal too, with her friend Cyrus. Charise wasn’t sure if she liked Cyrus or not. He was a guy with red hair pulled back into a ponytail, and he often dressed in unusual fashions. He seemed nice enough, but there was something kind of “off” about him, to her. But then again, a lot of Ophelia’s friends seemed kind of “off” to her, especially that Mae girl she hung out with.
“There you go, Miss,” the hairdresser said, turning her to look at the mirror. “How do you like it?”
Charise stared at herself. “I… look different,” she said slowly.
“You look beautiful and mature,” Dunstan replied, squeezing Charise’s shoulder affectionately. He reached into his pocket and handed the hairdresser some money. “Your tip, ma'am,” he said.
“Thank you,” the hairdresser replied. “You can pay up front at the register.”
Dunstan led Charise to the register, where he paid the cashier. After receiving his change, they walked out of the salon.
“Do you think Dad’s going to be angry that I got my hair cut?” Charise asked.
“Of course not,” Dunstan said. “He’ll think it looks great. Besides, you were getting too old for long hair. Ophelia should follow in your footsteps. Long hair is just ridiculous on most girls after a certain age.”
“Don’t tell Ophelia that. She’ll grow it longer, out of spite,” Charise replied, laughing.
“And then she’d quote a song by some weird band, explaining her reasoning,” Dunstan responded, joining her in the laughter.
Charise felt a small pang of guilt, mocking her cousin in such a manner, but then she decided that it was worth it. If it made Dunstan like her more, then why not?
Click Next: Chapter 7, Part 5 to continue...
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