Chapter 11, Part 8
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“Oh, where is she?” Edna worried. She glanced over at the clock. “It’s not like Angela to be late. Maybe I should call her.”

“Relax, honey,” Jill murmured, squeezing Edna’s hands. “Teenagers do these kinds of things all the time.”

“Yeah, but Angela’s not like most teens.”

“I guess you’re right. She’s acted kind of odd since I moved in.”

Edna sighed and bowed her head, remarking guiltily, “I can’t help but feel that it’s my fault that she acts like this.”

“Don’t stress yourself out, Edie. You’re a good mom. Angela’s just rebelling in her own way. I’m sure that in time, she’ll come around,” Jill commented.

Just then, they both heard the front door shut. “I’m home,” Angela called. “Sorry I was running late.”

Edna and Jill exchanged glances and hurried to the living room. They froze when they saw Angela’s new look.

“…You look… different,” Edna said slowly, trying to handle the situation as calmly as possible.

“Don’t you like my new look, Mother? I thought you would be happy to have a daughter who looks normal.”

“You look fine. It’s just…”

“Just what?” Angela asked. “Just that you were so gosh-darned sick of having a teenaged daughter dressing like she did when she was eight?”

Edna flinched, knowing that Angela had hit the nail on the head. “No. I’m just surprised to see you wearing something so different.” She looked Angela over, more closely this time. “Where did you get those clothes? And the new hairstyle? Who bought you those things?”

“A friend,” Angela replied, taking up the numerous department store bags and carrying them to her room. “As soon as I put these away, we can go eat.”

Edna and Jill stared at each other, shocked. Edna rushed after Angela. “Angela, I am your mother. You will tell me who bought you these clothes.”

Angela turned from her dresser and looked her mother in the eye. “Well, goodness, Mother, if you must know, these are gifts from a friend of mine.”

“A male friend?” Edna asked.

“Perhaps,” Angela responded, turning back to the dresser.

Edna firmly gripped Angela’s shoulders and turned the teen to face her. “Perhaps nothing, Angela. Tell me who bought you these things!”

“Gosh, Mother, you don’t need to get physical about it,” Angela snapped, shrugging her mother’s hands from her shoulders. “It was Dunstan Diggory.” Again, she turned to her dresser to rearrange the new purchases.

Edna heaved a sigh. She turned her daughter to face her again. “Angela, do you think some boy is just going to buy you clothes-- expensive ones, at that-- and not expect something in return? Now, you are going to take these things back to him so he can get his money back.”

“No, Mother. I will do no such thing. These are mine.”

“Angela, you’re not understanding me one bit! I’ll have to put this as bluntly as possible. This boy bought you these clothes so that he can get into your pants. Is that clear enough?”

Angela gazed at her mother for several seconds. “And so what if he is, Mother?” she asked. “My grades aren’t very good, I have no talents or skills that could make money to provide for myself. I have no real future, shy of maybe flipping burgers or posing for men’s magazines or selling myself. Is it really so wrong for me to just sit back and let a man take care of everything for me, even for a little while?”

Edna bowed her head. “Angela, you are talking about the very thing that many women have been fighting against. You’re acting this way because of me, aren’t you? Your way of rebelling against me is to become everything I’m against. Is that it?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Come on, Mother, let’s go eat at the restaurant like you said you wanted to this morning!” Angela said cheerily, sauntering out of the room.

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