Chapter 52, Part 3
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Mae looked around the room, her brow furrowed slightly. After a moment of thought, she finally spoke.

“For years, I have been a dedicated member of this organization. I have given my time, my money, and my energy toward furthering our cause. Even when I did not always agree with some of the decisions that were made, I still was a loyal sister to all of you. However,” Mae said, now directing her focus to Julia, “more recently, it seems that things have become more... personal. Somewhere along the way, reason and logic have given way to madness. Rather than supporting our fellow women, as feminists should, this organization has devoted an inordinate amount of time to tearing down women in our community, women who have risen to positions of power and prestige.”

Turning to the audience again, she continued, “And, do you know why? Because our president, Julia Winston, has a personal vendetta against many of the women who have been targeted. That's right; the actions of the past few months have been fueled, not by political or social implications, but because Julia is a hateful, jealous b***h.”

With that said, Mae turned and marched down the aisle, away from the stage.


“Talk?” AJ echoed, a bit anxiously. “About what?”

Tiffani took a deep breath, mentally reviewing what she had just spent the past hour rehearsing. “About us.”

“What about us?”

Tiffani swallowed hard. “I feel like you've been neglecting the girls and me. You've been at the hospital long after you were expected home, and when you get home, you just want to eat and go to bed. I can't even remember the last time we went out together, or even had dinner together as a family.” Tiffani paused, biting her lip, then continued, “On top of everything else, I know you've been going out to dinner with Ophelia and seeing her in the office.”

“We were discussing something related to a medical concern,” AJ responded sharply.

“You never told me that before.”

“I'm not supposed to discuss my patients' cases--”

“--Enough of your lies.” Tiffani rose from the couch. “AJ, I... I want to try it apart for a while. I feel like we kind of forced ourselves into a marriage, without thinking about it. We barely talk anymore. This just doesn't feel like a happy marriage.”


Emily slowly opened the door and peered in. Ophelia was curled up in bed, her hair a tangled mess. It looked as though she had not changed out of her pajamas in a few days.

“Hey, Lia,” she greeted her friend softly. Ophelia rolled over slowly, then narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw Emily. “Cy told me what happened,” Emily continued, as though her friend had spoken. “I... I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for what happened. I know you're going through a really stressful time, and I brought over some of your favorite foods. I thought that might encourage you to eat. Lia, I understand how rough things are right now, and I'm here for you.”

“Are you?” Ophelia responded, in a bitter, angry voice. “Are you really? I bet you're happy that this happened to me. You're glad that I won't pop out a bunch of kids. 'Oh, great, now she can be a miserable, childless hag like me!'” Ophelia shook her head. “I bet, right now, you're even gloating about it. You have the life you want, and you don't give a damn about having kids. And if you decide to change your mind, well, then you have good old reliable Louie. Lucky you, you have every f***ing thing you could want. I don't need your pity, Emily.”

Emily took in a sharp breath, and did the one thing she never thought she would: she raised her hand and slapped Ophelia.

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