Chapter 53, Part 3
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Angela's Journal:

I may have found a solution. After reading a few books and watching more movies than I'd like to admit (some of them admittedly pretty stupid and more than a few made in the eighties), I may have found a way to trick the target. (I will not think of him as a person, if he is responsible for the horribleness I saw).

I've noticed that in many forms of media, men-- often of of the “bad boy” variety-- inevitably seem to be won over by a certain type of girl: sweet, innocent, and easily corruptible, someone who they can say they transformed into... well... a different type of girl. As certain songs say, you can't turn a lady of ill repute into a suitable partner. However, the other way around... well, perhaps that is a bit more debatable.

At any rate, this will prove to be quite the challenge. I will not only have to change the way I dress and act, but I may also have to believe that I am this person. I only hope that I'm up to the task.


Gabby's Journal

For the first few months I was at the lab, I did basic work: cleaning, note-taking, and so forth. I was being trained to do increasingly more difficult work. I quickly learned that my supervisor, Elizabeth, was something of a local celebrity, having shown strong scientific aptitude at an early age. Supposedly, she was in her thirties, but something about that just seemed... well... off. Something about the dates just didn't seem to add up, no matter how she explained things.

One day, Elizabeth came to me, carrying a thick stack of files.

“Gabby,” she said, “I need you to do me a favor. I have a meeting to attend, regarding Project Wells. I'm going to be stuck here for a good while. Bring these files over to my place; my roommate should be there to let you in.”

“Sure, no problem,” I replied, taking the stack of files.

Elizabeth tapped the Post-It note stuck to the top file. “My address,” she explained. “I'm sure I can trust you not to get lost or leave these where the mundanes can reach them... not that the information would make much sense to them.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Good. You know, Gibson, keep up the good work, and we might be able to use you on a few studies. There's talk that you may be a good person for Project Lemon.”

“Oh, really? That would be great!” I said, although I had no idea what Project Lemon was.

When I was allowed to leave, I hauled the files to the address on the note. Hesitantly, I knocked at the door. A voice from inside the house (rather shabby, admittedly) called out, “I'm coming, I'm coming! Did you forget your keys again?” The speaker, a man, opened the door, continuing to berate me, “If I had a dollar for every time you forgot your keys, I'd--”

Here, he broke off when he saw me. His eyes widened, and he muttered, “I'll be...”

“S-sorry,” I stammered out. “I was looking for this address.” I showed him the paper. “Elizabeth asked me to--”

“--Yes, Elizabeth lives here. You've got the right place.”

He stepped aside, allowing me to enter. “I was working on some stuff for work. You want a drink or something?”

“No, thanks, I'm fine.” I held my hand out. “Gabrielle Gibson.”

“Oh, yeah, Liz told me about you,” he responded. “I'm Jack Soleil.”

“So, you're her roommate?”

“Sort of.”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

Jack hesitated, then said slowly, “I'm her state-appointed partner. Last stage of her rehabilitation.”

“Oh.” That was all I could say. There was only one known reason to be given a “state-appointed partner,” following “rehabilitation.”

“I can understand why she wouldn't want to tell you. Might make things a bit awkward. Her great-aunt was the one who managed to talk the higher-ups into letting her live and all. Pointed out that since Liz was still young and fertile, she could still be of use. Just needed to... well...”

“Rehabilitate her?”



Angela's Journal

I can't believe it. I absolutely, positively cannot believe it. I found out what I've been doing all this for. All this foolishness and stuff.

It's all for her. Apparently, it all has something to do with that girl, Charise. She's in the next grade up, and to be honest, I don't like her much. She's one of the rich people, and she strikes me as being kind of snobby. Plus, she has a bunch of boys who are friends with her. I bet she's stringing them along...

She seems like the type AJ likes, at first glance. He seems to like girls who are pretty and popular and a bit clueless.

And yet...

And yet, something feels “off” about all of this.

According to the woman in my dreams, if I don't do what I was told to, bad things will happen to Charise. She showed me bits and pieces, flashes of what will happen. I saw Charise getting older, in a miserable, loveless marriage. I saw her getting older and older, wanting to die but only living because she had to protect someone... I couldn't understand all of it.

So, I'm supposed to help this girl? This girl, who has more than I ever will, with all her friends and money and clothes? But who's going to help me? What makes her so deserving? Why not me?

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