Dr Sebastien part 3
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He lay there on the dirty floor, his body racked with pain. The woman - Alessia kneeled beside him. The smell of bad meat was stronger and his eyes widened as he took in her appearance.

Her skin was grey from death, blood and scar marred her once beautiful face and her gown appeared to be a night gown, torn and stained with blood and other fluids.

Even in his pain he struggled to think why the name Alessia was familiar to him but nothing came.

Her voice was still soft, full of regret and a taint of anger.
"Yes, like father like son. He tortured so many innocents here, I was only one of his last. You had a choice, so much good could have been done here but you have stained the ground itself with your horror. The only recompense is that with your departure the lineage of my husband dies."

With that she stood and seemed to fade away into the shadows...

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